может и уже было,но думаю всё ещё нужно
произношение гласных:
a (short) as in "man" (british accent)
a (long) as in "father"
a (followed by "ng" or "nk" like "ou" in "house"
á like "ou" in "house"
e (short) as in "met"
e (long) like "ea" in "bear"
é like "ye" in "yet"
i (short) as in "hit"
i (long) as in "hit" but lengthened
i (followed by "ng" or "nk" like "ee" in "seen", but shorter
í like "ee" in "seen"
o (short) as in "not"
o (long) like "aw" in "saw"
ó like "o" in "sole"
u (short) like "eu" in french "deux"
u (long) sounds same as short but lengthened
u (followed by "ng" or "nk" like "oo" in "moon", but shorter
ú like "oo" in "moon"
y sounds same as icelandic "i" or "í"
ý sounds same as icelandic "i" or "í"
æ like "i" in "mile"
ö (short) is similar to german "ö" like "ur" in "urgent" but shorter
ö (long) like "ur" in "urgent"
au like the vowel in french "feuille", similar to "oy" in "boy"
ei like "ay" in "day"
ey like "ay" in "day"
и согласных:
b same as in english, but not strongly voiced eg bað
d same as in english, but not strongly voiced eg dóttir
f (1) at beginning of a word is same as in english eg fara
f (2) in the middle or at the end of a word like english "v" eg hafa
f (3) before "l" or "n" like english "b" eg gafl, nafn
g (1) at beginning of a word as in "good" eg góður
g (2) after a vowel, unless followed by "i" or "j", like German g in "sagen" eg saga, sagði
g (3) after a vowel and followed by "i" or "j" like "y" in "yet" eg magi, segja
h same as in english eg ha
hv like "qu" in "quick" eg hvað
j like "y" in "yes" eg já
k same as in english eg kaup
kk is preceded by a pre-aspiration eg ekkert (ehh-kert)
kl is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg afklæða
kn is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg aðsókn
l same as in english eg laun
ll like "ttl" in "settle" but not with hard "t" sound (like "dl" eg sæll
m same as in english eg með
n same as in english eg nei
nn (1) after "á", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "æ", "au", "ei", or "ey" like "dn" eg steinn
nn (2) after all other vowels and in the suffixed definate article sounds like "nn" in english eg finna
p same as in english except when before "s", "k", or "t" where it then in combination sounds like "f" eg skips, dýpka, dýpt
pp is preceded by a pre-aspiration eg sloppur
pl is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg depla
pn is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg opna
r like in english only trilled eg far
rl like Icelandic "ll" above eg karl
rn like Icelandic "nn" above eg barn
s as in "mouse" eg mús
t same as in english eg takk
tt is preceded by a pre-aspiration eg hætta
tl is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg betla
tn is also preceded by a pre-aspiration eg batna
v same as in english eg við
x same as in english eg buxur
z like "s" in "sun" eg verzlun
þ like "th" in "thin" eg þunnur
ð like "th" in "breathe" is never found at beginning of word eg staða